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Monday, March 1, 2010


MUSK RUSH KEKEKEKEKEKE, 6 minutes arsene with the use of invisible pots.
Lineup? 3 Musk 1 Brunie
Battle Plan?
Win goes fer Frost
Fufu goes for Emily
Maki goes for Celine
Llyse goes for... chest ._. (Vet Gs! hail llyse)

They were so fast, when i bugged hellena and reached frost they already killed emily and celine and opened the chest. D:

Met @ Mario room and commence rrrrrappppeeeeee!!!! When i reached Mario's room he was already at 50% im... slow...:/

The long alleyyy... invisible pots and met at the entrance, and CHIONG LERRRRRRRR towards arsene. Average timing it took: 4 bosses, 30seconds. Hellena, 5seconds. Arsene 1minute and less.

I wonder... how fast-er we can go if all 4 split up and attacked a different boss D:



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