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Friday, May 28, 2010

Colony war

Yes, yet another overdue post.. this post was suppose to be up around 5 days ago. Busy with life issues as usual, so.... here goes:

Sunday's war was the usual with us trying to help symbols fiend off breakers outside the colony entrance to help them buy off some time. Nevertheless, we had our own agenda which was random roaming and killing. We only had 1 epic fight (as seen on ss below), which involved us fully buffed as well as them, thus we could fight on even grounds even though we were severely out numbered.

It was all good fight with us 3 (Maki, Fuhren, Me) and 1 or 2 Vanira members within the map, we were fully buffed thus we were able to withstand a larger amount of families for a longer period of time. Until....

the horde came and we got mobbed and died ):
Oh well, it was a good war though, although we had alot of trouble fighting a large number of families at one time, still we had a heap of fun. (Except certain airheads which trashtalk and yet are not capable of backing up their trash, trash they are indeed).. I shall not elaborate on this issue since it has been "settled and forgotten". Going to look forward to this week's war, hopefully i can finish work in time for colony war at home, i dont want to head over to icafe although my work place is near icafe haha. Reset is always full of surprises, what will this week's colony rest hold?

Regarding the free name change,
i forsee a huge number of imposters? maybe? haha who knows... but im not going to change my name lolx. Wont be used to seeing myself as another family name. But maybe i might change my mule's names haha.


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